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How to Train Your Brain to See What Others Don't
Remember the last time you had an 'aha' moment? The pleasure of a new and profound insight can leave us with that feeling of freshness and awe at witnessing something for the very first time. It is a deeply satisfying in itself and needs no external rewards. Cognitive psychologist, Gary Klein researches the science behind these epiphanies and shares his findings so that we can cultivate habits ... posted on Sep 08 2013, 107,815 reads


Wearing The Be Love Sign
"I go to the library in Santa Monica to write quite often. The other day, I went there to get some work done, and I see this man standing and looking at some books. New nonfiction. He has a sign on his chest that says "Be Love." I ask him if I can take a picture, and he happily obliges. I turn around to get some money in my wallet. (He's homeless -- that much is evident.) I turn back around, and... posted on Sep 07 2013, 50,769 reads


Mindfulness in Politics
"Mindfulness meditation" is a growing movement, but can it unstick the modern political gridlock? Congressman Tim Ryan thinks so, and is calling for a "quiet revolution" in America. "Practicing mindfulness may not get everyone on the same page in detailed policy terms, he believes, but it could help to find more common ground between different views." This interview with Ryan shares more of his wo... posted on Sep 06 2013, 28,418 reads


We Are Gardeners of the Wilderness
"We've entered what some scientists are calling the Anthropocene -- a new geologic epoch in which human activity, more than any other force, steers change on the planet. Just as we're now causing the vast majority of extinctions, the vast majority of endangered species will only survive if we keep actively rigging the world around them in their favor ... We are gardening the wilderness. The line b... posted on Sep 05 2013, 14,456 reads


How the Internet Helped Us Learn How To Share
In 1996, poet and essayist John Perry Barlow created "A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace." It was intended to serve as a bold announcement -- that a new era of human empowerment was near. "We will create a civilization of the Mind in Cyberspace," he offered. "May it be more humane and fair than the world your governments have made before." And though, there were a few first rocky step... posted on Sep 04 2013, 17,989 reads


5 Reasons to be Kind
In a dominant paradigm weighted towards self-interest and self-orientation, we must make a special effort to question our mode of being. Can we afford to be narrowly self-focused? Can we grow to anywhere near our true potential if we look out only for ourselves? What role do kindness and compassion play in bridging a world that is growing increasingly fragmented? What follows are five powerful rea... posted on Sep 03 2013, 156,028 reads


Using Emergence to Scale Social Innovation
Do you want to change the world? If so, it may help to first understand how the world actually changes. This article co-authored by Margaret Wheatley describes how "emergence" - the linking together of local efforts and networks into global phenomena -- drives all substantial changes in nature and society. The networks we create, together with our mindfulness of other efforts regionally and global... posted on Sep 02 2013, 35,041 reads


The Most Overlooked Leadership Skill
"Even before I released the disc, I knew it was a long shot. And, unfortunately, it was a clumsy one too. We were playing Ultimate Frisbee and we were tied 14-14 with a time cap. The next point would win the game. I watched the disc fly over the heads of both teams. Everyone but me ran down the field. I cringed, helplessly, as the disc wobbled and listed left. Still, I had hope it could go our way... posted on Sep 01 2013, 43,239 reads


11 Untranslatable Words From Other Cultures
Words are flimsy packages that we wrap around abstract concepts and offer to others in the hopes of being understood. Friedrich Nietzsche said, "Words are but symbols for the relations of things to one another and to us; nowhere do they touch upon the absolute truth." There are so many parts of the human experience that have no satisfying word to describe it. Luckily, we can borrow words from othe... posted on Aug 31 2013, 167,860 reads


Zen & The Art of Watching Television
"I want you to watch TV with acute awareness, mindfulness, and precision. 1) Watch any TV show for 15 minutes without turning on the sound. 2) Watch any news program for 15 minutes without turning on the sound. 3) Watch the television set for one half-hour with out turning it on." This unconventional series of assignments was handed out to his students by a sociology professor who used it to jump... posted on Aug 30 2013, 29,812 reads


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Quote Bulletin

It's like the more money we come across / the more problems we see.
Christopher George Latore Wallace (a.k.a The Notorious B.I.G.)

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